Photo de mon pays (picture of my country) _5_

Ce sont les moyens de transport commun dans la ville de Casablanca (La grande ville du Maroc , et sa capitale économique ).

Le tramway devient le premier moyen de transports des citoyens (photos de Station de tramway » Hay Raja »)  ,puis les taxis (petits rouges et grands blancs) ; Les bus reculent vers la troisième place .Le train est rarement utilisé pour les déplacement à l’intérieur de la ville gigantesque. (la photo de l’horloge de « la Gare des Voyageurs » du train, construite en 1924)

Sachant que Casablanca habitée par 4 millions d’habitants, sur une superficie de 790 km2.

Elle possède 40% des établissements industrielles du Maroc , 48% de ses investissements, , totalité des sièges des banques , et le plus grand port maritime du Maroc.

These are the common means of transport in the city of Casablanca (Morocco’s largest city and its economic capital).

The tram is the first means of transport of citizens (Photo Tram Station « Hay Raja ») and taxis (red and white big small); Buses were down to third place .The process is rarely used for traveling within the massive city. (The photo of the clock « Gare des Voyageurs » of the train, built in 1924)

Knowing Casablanca inhabited by 4 million people over an area of 790 km2.

It owns 40% of Morocco’s industrial establishments, 48% of its investments, all offices of banks, and the largest seaport of Morocco.

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9 réflexions sur “Photo de mon pays (picture of my country) _5_

  1. Considering our most recent Presidential election, I’m not sure we are always so civilized! I certainly wouldn’t mind visiting your country someday.

  2. Yes, I know the old Casablanca film of the Second World War. It was wonderful. I really like. Your country, it is the civilized pus of the world, the strongest in the world, the richest in the world, the most advanced towards the future of the world. I want to finish my life in usa

  3. The trams look very interesting. I have never ridden on one. I hate to be so « American » but I must admit that when you mentioned Casablanca, my first thought was Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall! Are you familiar? I am a lover of old films.

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