My 42ndpainted picture (Mon 42e tableau)

To imagine this picture of abstract painting, I used the shapes and colors of the elements of nature to invent a whole, far from nature.
I hope that this will cause creation, sentimental reactions, rich imagination, and great visual pleasure in viewers.

I call this digital creation: « Drop ».



Pour imaginer ce tableau de peinture abstrait, j’ai utilisé des formes et couleurs des éléments de la nature , pour inventer un ensemble loin de la nature. 

J’espère que cette création provoquera, des réactions sentimentales;  des imaginations riches, et un plaisir, chez les spectateurs.

Je nomme cette création digitale :  » La goutte « .

16 réflexions sur “My 42ndpainted picture (Mon 42e tableau)

  1. I do too – that way one can take away the impressions they wish.
    But as far as these, the complexity is still there – much can be missed if one doesn’t take time to examine the each part (Just as in life) – which your small piece allowed – then nice to return to the big pucture for yet another segment to examine.

  2. thank you for your good comments.
    I prefer the complicated paintings that represent life complicated, complicated man, complicated universe ….

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