BEAUTY IN NATURE (D5): My collection of pictures of roses (Art and beauty Images for you-14-)

Chers amis et lecteurs:
Dans ma collection de photos de la nature, en particulier des fleurs, j’ai choisi pour vous, belles images de roses, c’est la beauté des couleurs et les créations de la nature … la technique du photographe.


37 réflexions sur “BEAUTY IN NATURE (D5): My collection of pictures of roses (Art and beauty Images for you-14-)

  1. Awww! That is soooo sweet of you. You know I have been to north of India and I was so lost in the beauty that most of the times it didn’t even occur to me that I should click a picture 🙂 I am more of an observer than capturer 🙂

  2. The methods of production, which have been developed for thousands of years, are only pushing nature to give more and better.
    If one refuses the naturalness, of modern cultures, the wild forests, equatorial and Siberian forests, remain, the only plants « natural » on the earth.

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