My 29th painted picture:« Yellow and purple »

A beautiful digital abstract painting.

Technically, I have grouped two color families to present 2 bunk spatial levels:

  • Basically, the fabric very eventful, where green and yellow shape several derivative energetic waves.
  • In the foreground, the 2 colors – violet and black – form attractive round objects.

The black and white lines give the whole a new linear dimension artistically « amiable ».

The subject is infinitely variable. So I let you practice the 3 « brain games » sensation, perception and visualization.

Alozade a. calls this artistic creation: « Yellow and purple. »

30 réflexions sur “My 29th painted picture:« Yellow and purple »

  1. I guess my age and ineptitude regarding art is showing. I like the colors and shapes. I thought it was modern art – the black and white lines were pins, the purple circles buttons, and the background the cloth. One good thing, I think I’ll use this as a scene for one of my characters. I don’t have anything planned as yet, but I’ve had ideas develop with less input.

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