The digital painting (painting) is a form of painting in which digital tools are applied instead of traditional techniques (pencil, oil paint, charcoal, impasto acrylics) .The canvas, brushes, colors, rags, gums, … are applied using digital software in a computer skills (PC, tablet, …); creations downloaded and printed.
The digital painting is used by professional and amateur artists to create digital artwork (Drawing, Painting, etc …); As practiced by technical professionals to meet the visual demands of the market, such as illustrations, rear-scenes and designs used by economic activities (production of video games, television programs, cartoons, advertisements, decorative themes, … ..etc).


Rondes et Volantes
mon 7e


After watching beautiful digital paintings of artists; Most of you asks: why not me?
The question is legitimate, you can imagine digital artist, amateur or professional, and you can begin the first steps tonight. BUT you must have some requirements, including:
1) You must have a love of colors, paintings, photographs, illustrations, figures, landscapes, modes … .as ART, not just as decoration.
2) You must have a drawing of « primary » experience of several years (not less than 10 years) .. (your brain always keeps your tastes, your feelings, your joys … that you experienced during childhood practices … they will be your artistic intuitions)
3) You must have a study or a technical course of painting « classic » (not less than one year) .Car these are the techniques you’ll practiced, but with the new computer tools.
4) You must have a strong ambition to BE someone, no POSSESSION wealth. The Eternal Art is never the right path of wealth (same effort, the same energy, same time, same budget … will give you a lot of money in economic activity quickly ..and).
5) You must have sufficient SPACES to practice it, isolate, create, store, archive and publish … I’m talking about several areas: time slot, surface area, budget space, computer Download Area … and psycho-social area.
If you have these conditions, be the (la) welcome (e) in the next section to read the main stages … .You will one day DIGITAL ARTIST.
« The computer creates nothing, it is the creation of the artist »



You decided to practice digital painting? you have conditions? Bravo.

Now you need to …:

Visit the largest exhibition of digital painting, especially in specialized sites (in thousands) .You notice topics, themes, colors, lines, shapes, and emotions to each table.
Make your first choices (follow your skills, your tastes, your personality, your favorite subjects, and ambitions): What do you prefer? pencils or paintbrushes? black-white or color? sweet, hot or shocking? Real (Nature, portraits, architecture, objects, …) or abstract (blurry subjects, movement, geometric, spots, lines, …)? personal, decorative or commercial? [You can try several options before choosing]
choose your hardware (tablet, software, printer, external hard drive, USB, …). To make these choices must consider the broader market on the net and always start with the easy and cheap (everything will come later). Keep your classic drawing materials (especially pencils, eraser, drawing paper) close to you, you will need.
Make technical training -with the help of a teacher, net video courses, or search engines – to become familiar with your equipment and organize your workspace and your tablet screen.
Draw primitive where drafts are in lines, geometric shapes, colored spots, mixtures, points, writes by hand …….. repeat, repeat, repeat …… hundreds drafts.
Now you master the technique, you know where each tool is, you have your artistic choices … Let’s meet the next item

« The computer creates nothing, it is the creation of the artist « 


42 réflexions sur “DIGITAL PAINTING:Why not you?

  1. hand drawing, canvas painting and digital art are 3 different methods of artistic creation (2D).
    the philosophical bases and the choices of styles remain the same.

  2. Geez I been doing digital art for so long now since 2006 I got a drawing book out the other day forgotten how to draw since back in the 90’s was quite funny , thought it strange how much digital art can take you away from where you started …..those art college days

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