The beauty of the mountains: Lushan, China

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The beauty of the mountains

Lushan, China

The Lushan is south of Jiujiang City in Shanxi Province, between the Yangtze River in the north and Poyang Lake in the east. The mountainous region has more than 90 peaks of which Dahanyang, the highest, reaches an altitude of 1,474 m.

Author: KongFu Wang. Source:


Author: ZSong. Source:

Characterized by varied and complicated reliefs, lushan is dotted with valleys, caverns, waterfalls and streams. Its peculiar, picturesque, abrupt and magnificent landscapes earned it the reputation of the « most exotic mountain in the world ».                                                                                                                                                           []


Lushan, Lu Lin Lake

Author: Gisling自己的作品 Source:

Author: tak.wing. Source:

Author: KongFu Wang. Source:

Located in the Lushan Botanical Garden, the tomb of Chen Yinke, Lushan scenic area cultural relics protection units

User: Zhangzhugang. Source:

The landscape of Lushan has been a source of inspiration for philosophy and art. The selective and sensitive integration of high-quality cultural elements into this landscape testifies to the ability of the Chinese to appreciate the harmonious interactions between natural beauty and culture.

Lushan, Fairview Valley

Lushan such as the piano lake

Author: liuzr99. Source:




Artist of artistic painting. university research scientist, I test to enjoy my experience in classical drawing for years, my technical and scientific knowledge -aussi- of my training, methodological, psycho-philosophical choose my subjects, my features and my colors. I live in Casablanca - Morocco

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