In this series of articles, I will give you, dear friends and readers, a simplified idea of the main styles and movements of painting.



Carlo Carrà (1881-1966), Funeral of the Anarchist Galli , 1910-11

Photo author: Steven Zucker . Source:

Futurism is a European literary and artistic movement of the early 20th century (from 1909 to 1920), which rejects the aesthetic tradition and exalts the modern world, especially urban civilization, machines and speed.


« Cyclist », 1913, Natalia Goncharova  (1881–1962)

Photo author: arthistoryproject  . Source:

Futurism was born in Italy around the poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (Manifesto of Futurism, 1909). Authors of two manifestos in 1910, the first painters of the movement, Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Gino Severini and Luigi Russolo (1885-1947), use the technique of divisionism and cubism to interfere with shapes, rhythms, colors and lights in order to express a « dynamic / energetic sensation », a simultaneity of moods and multiple structures of the visible world. A Valet de Carreau movement existed in Russia (also called cubo-futurism) in the years 1910-1917 .


« Brooklyn Bridge »,1919–20, by Joseph Stella (1877–1946)

Photo author: Mike Goad. Source:

Most of the great works associated with the futurist movement were created between 1909 and 1915 [ref. desired]. Boccioni’s theories inspired the futurists until the end of the First World War. Then, futuristic research is pursued through « mechanical art » during the 1920s, then through a real « aero-aesthetic » during the 1930s.2 In 1967, Enzo Benedetto7 publishes the manifesto Futurismo-oggi which proposes to pass at the third artistic stage of the movement: « The first was the speed, the second the race to heaven, the third will be the race to space.  »                                                   [Wikipedia]


Visioni simultanee (Simultaneous visions), 1911-12, Umberto Boccioni  (1882–1916)

Photo user: Telrúnya  . Source:


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