Opéra Garnier…. Paris – France



Opéra Garnier, Paris – France

A masterpiece of nineteenth-century theater architecture, the Palais Garnier (or Opéra Garnier), built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875, is a masterpiece of nineteenth-century theater architecture. Its construction was decided by Napoleon III as part of the major renovation works of the capital carried out under his order by the Baron Haussmann.                   (parisinfo)

800px-the_opera_house_paris_france_ca-_1890-1900_public-domain-in-the-united-states_copyright-tagphoto: public domain in the United States (copyright tag )

The Opera House, Paris,1890-1900

paris_opera_full_frontal_architecture_may_2009_peter-rivera_upload-wikimedia-orgAuthor: Peter Rivera Source: /commons.wikimedia.org

the Opéra National de Paris in 2009

inauguration_of_the_paris_opera_in_1875_by_detaille_-_collections_of_the_chateau_of_versailles_cropped_united-states-public-domain-tag_commons-wikimedia-orgby Detaille,  Collections of the Château of Versailles (cropped).  United States public domain (copyright tag )

Inauguration of the Paris Opera in 1875

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Opera Garnier Grand Staircase

The ceiling of its room is a monumental canvas of 220 m² signed Marc Chagall (1887-1985), unveiled in 1964. 


800px-vestibule_de_lopera_garnier_scarletgreen-from-japan_fr-wikipedia-orgPhoto: Scarletgreen from Japan / fr.wikipedia.org

Vestibule of the Opera Garnier

4568271303_42a9bc4364_z-jean-pierre-dalbera_flickr-comPhoto:Jean-Pierre Dalbéra / flickr.com

The big focus

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Palais Garnier auditorium and stage

paris_palais_garniers_grand_salon_3_eric-pouhier-niabot_commons-wikimedia-orgPhoto: Eric Pouhier, Niabot / Commons.wikimedia.org

Paris, Palais Garnier’s large living room 3

The palate has an area of 11,000 m2 useful, the largest in the world until 1970, 172 m long, 101 m wide and 79 m elevation. It has 1,156 seats (wikipedia).
The Garnier Theater presents lyrical and choreographic performances.

the-paris-opera-482508_960_720Photo:139904 / pixabay.com

Opéra Garnier, Chagall, Chandelier

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Music on top of Opera Garnier

800px-scene_de_lopera_garnier_scarletgreen-from-japan_commons-wikimedia-orgPhoto: Scarletgreen from Japan / commons.wikimedia.org

Scène de l’opéra Garnier




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