Author: Wcmwz . Source:

1-Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park

Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park covers 524 km2 of the mountain area of the Daen Lao Range, at the border with Myanmar. The tallest peak is Doi Pha Hom Pok at 2,285 metres (7,497 ft)( second highest in Thailand).
Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park is mostly covered with forest, where tree species such as Hopea odorata predominate with rare plant species such as Impatiens jurpioides and butterflies such as Meandrusa sciron. Doi Lang, located within the park, is an excellent area for birdwatching. At Fang Hot Springs, park HQ, are many hot mineral springs in a 10 rai area (16,000 m2). Water temperature ranges from 90-130° C. The largest pond has hot steam rising 40-50 meters above the ground.


Original map author: dany13

Author: Chaiyathat . Source:

Author:Mr.Adthaporn Saconyen . Source:

Author (4 photos):Jason Thompson . Source:

Author:ณัฐปภัสสร์ . Source:

Author:LannaPhoto . Source:

The hot spring of Fang.

A walking path using a stone litter is laid out, so that tourists can easily stroll to see and admire the springs tightly. There is a large hot spring that vaporizes vapor in the air between 40 and 60 meters. There are also mineral bathrooms and steam bathrooms in a hot spring

Author:Eartheart123 . Source:

Top of Doi Pha Hom Pok


Artist of artistic painting. university research scientist, I test to enjoy my experience in classical drawing for years, my technical and scientific knowledge -aussi- of my training, methodological, psycho-philosophical choose my subjects, my features and my colors. I live in Casablanca - Morocco

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