COVID 19: The epidemic is not the same for these 3 countries which have the same number of inhabitants

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The epidemic is not the same for these 3 countries which have the same number of inhabitants

( May 29, 2020)

a- Sweden:




population: 10,093,573
Total cases: 36,476
Last daily number of cases: +749
Total deaths: 4,350



Author: Shovy Rahman ..Source: pexels

800px-Alkavagge-KuoperAuthor: SiriusA  . Source: commons.wikimedia

Sarek National Park

b- Azerbaijan:





population: 10,130,782
Total cases: 4,989
Last daily number of cases: +230
Total deaths: 58




Author: Urek Meniashvili  . Source: fr.wikipedia

pexels-photo-2455352Author: Rohith Rajeev . Source: pexels

c- Jordan:





population: 10,193,780
Total cases: 730
Last daily number of cases: +2
Total deaths: 9




Author: Khalid Qabbany  . Source: ar.wikipedia

jordan-tours-726990_1280Author: JordanTours  . Source: pixabay

Petra (Capital of the Nabataeans circa 6th century BC)

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Title photo:  Baku-Azerbaijan  (Author: faiknagiyev  . Source: pixabay )

Source of statistics:


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