Kumamoto : Region ravaged by floods

Kumamoto Prefecture – Japan

Look at the beauty of this region – west of the island of Kyushu- ravaged this week by floods and landslides (Number of victims exceeds 50)

Author: William Cho . Source: flickr
Author: 663highland . Source: commons.wikimedia
Source: pickpik.com
Author: IMBiblio . Source: flickr
Author: Moody Man . Source: flickr
Source: pickpik.com
Photo by Kohji Asakawa from Pexels
Author: Jacques Beaulieu . Source: flickr

Title photo: Source: peakpx.com

4 réflexions sur “Kumamoto : Region ravaged by floods

  1. à chaque coin de la terre, il y à certaine beauté…mais la plupart des charmants espaces sont mal-connus . ..Et c’est ce que je cherche pour mes amis (es) et pour mon moral aussi.

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