My 2 recent semi-realistic creations

My artistic creations

My 2 recent semi-realistic creations

« The reflections of warm light » is a production of the free imagination, which uses elements from nature to create a surreal and semi-natural structure. Its very energetic elements receive lights with warm reflections which ignites sensations and feelings.
Date created: July 27, 2020

« The reflections of warm light »- 7/2020 -ALOZADE Ahmed

To view the original copy, download or order.… here

« Grass is greener on the other side »:

Under the summer sky, the shapes, the colors and the reflections of the lights have more charm, attraction, heat; While Water which feeds life, draws another abstract face of reality.
It is the meeting of the abstract with the real, that I dreamed, imagined and drawn in a semi-realistic creation with an impressionist technique.
Date created: July 30, 2020

« Grass is greener on the other side » 7/2020 -ALOZADE Ahmed

To view the original copy, download or order……click here

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