Your opinion interests me


My creations

« Deep roots make big trees« 

My dear friends and visitors
This work is especially for you, it is to communicate artistically with you.
I offer you this recent artistic creation (which I made today, June 8, 2021), in the impressionism style.
Please take a few minutes to write me your comments, suggestions and questions.
To encourage you and facilitate your observation, I have added 4 images of the details of this work.
Thank you very much dear ones.

« Deep roots make big trees » (6/2021) by ALOZADE Ahmed

12 réflexions sur “Your opinion interests me

  1. very happy to read your comment.
    Your remarks are well targeted, they reflect your artistic spirit.
    Thank you very much for your comments and also for your encouragement. 👍👍👍

  2. Good job. It’s not always easy to make a digital creation, you asked for our opinion, I don’t want to disappoint you, personally the picture is not finished … Several small details to improve.

    Votre première image (détail) « Deep roots make big tree » qui est le sommet de la montagne est très bien, à lui seul il fait un tableau. L’image avec arbre devant la montagne, il y a un manque de profondeur, au pied de la montagne vous devriez mettre plus foncé pour bien assoir votre montagne ce qui lui donnerait un impression de recul donc une meilleur perspective. Je n’en dirais pas plus, dans l’ensemble le sujet est bon, c’est un bon début. Carmen

  3. Thank you my dear Christine
    You are always the only one who analyzes Art well, and the only one who encourages me.🌷🌻🌾

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