Categories: ArtART and DESIGN

A traditional Japanese art: BONSAÏ

Bonsai (盆栽) is a traditional Japanese art. This practice is also found in the cultures of other Southeast Asian countries such as China, Vietnam or South Korea.
the tree that is the subject of it is miniaturized by applying different techniques that change the branches, the roots, the nutrient supply and the shape. The objective is the aesthetic research and the resemblance of the plant with nature, to symbolize eternity, peace and harmony between man and nature.
The bonsai plant is transformed according to one of the 18 most used artistic styles, the most famous are: Sabamiki, Sekijojû, Fukinagashi, Ishitsuki
Properly cared for, bonsai can live for centuries. Some of the oldest in the world are over 800 years old; They are the fruit of the work and patience of several generations.
Bonsai was introduced to Japan during the Heian period (794-1192).

Bonsai Ficus in Crespi, Italy, its age is more than 1000 years ( Image source: )
Bonsai from Pinewood ( Image source: flickr / Lex McKee )
Bonsai with Sabamiki style ( Image source: fr.wikipedia / Sailko )
Bonsaï of Pyracantha ( Image source: flickr / Jerry Norbury )
Image source: flickr / Sage Ross
Image source: flickr / Christa (Burns) Porter

Image of title: 800 year old bonsai at Kunio Kobayashi’s garden in Tokyo . Source:


Artist of artistic painting. university research scientist, I test to enjoy my experience in classical drawing for years, my technical and scientific knowledge -aussi- of my training, methodological, psycho-philosophical choose my subjects, my features and my colors. I live in Casablanca - Morocco

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