Dynamism, softness and emotion, in the abstract expressionist

My artistic creations Dynamism, softness and emotion, in the abstract expressionist « With yellow shoes » by ALOZADE Ahmed I imagine a complex and turbulent environment, where the movements of the components (in all three directions) create unlimited interactions of the elements; The result is a radical change in the spatial system and its aesthetic properties, especially … Lire la suite Dynamism, softness and emotion, in the abstract expressionist

My two recent artistic creations

My artistic creations My two recent artistic creations Hope you like it « Shivers »: « Shivers » is an abstract lyrical style creation, with a tachist technique.This creation has an emotional, metaphysical and aesthetic subject.Its complex structure and dynamic elements provoke feelings and sensationsIts bright homogeneous colors, its depths and its well-directed lights, give artistic charm. Creation date: … Lire la suite My two recent artistic creations

« Maritime exploration » by ALOZADE Ahmed

My artistic creations « Maritime exploration » by ALOZADE Ahmed « Maritime exploration » is an abstract lyrical style creation, with a tachist technique.the strengths of this creation lie in: Its dynamic, abstract and emotional subject, its complex texture, its energetic elements, its homogeneous bright colors, its double depth, and its well-directed lights. Creation date: 28 September 2020 To … Lire la suite « Maritime exploration » by ALOZADE Ahmed

« A storm in a frame » (2020), by ALOZADE Ahmed

My artistic creations « A storm in a frame » by ALOZADE Ahmed When we look through a window, we unite, in our brain and in our psyche, two different environments and two contradictory systems, We feel – probably – feelings of security behind the window, especially if the image of the outside is very restless and … Lire la suite « A storm in a frame » (2020), by ALOZADE Ahmed

« Dynamic spots » – ALOZADE Ahmed

My artistic creations « Dynamic spots » – ALOZADE Ahmed When the stains of the paint produce an aesthetic system and a metaphysical image full of dynamism and energy, the viewer gets rid of his negative judgments on the stains, he becomes a stainer, and he feels deep emotions towards the artistic work abstract.This abstract expressionism style … Lire la suite « Dynamic spots » – ALOZADE Ahmed

My recent lyrical abstract creation: « The curtains are drawn »

My artistic creations My recent lyrical abstract creation The curtains are drawn The human system of thinking is very complicated; It is a machine of communications and information exchange and combinations, to produce ideas, laws and decisions.In the midst of planned mechanisms, falls occur without summons, to add solutions, new ideas, charm and psychic energy. … Lire la suite My recent lyrical abstract creation: « The curtains are drawn »

« Green attacked » – by ALOZADE Ahmed

My artistic creations « Green attacked » – by ALOZADE Ahmed In the ecology – as in the psychic – the elements, the relations and the communications are very complicated, sometimes soft and other times offensive and very energetic. The analytical view of these systems reveals a stratification, subsystems of different strengths.This artistic creation created (during this … Lire la suite « Green attacked » – by ALOZADE Ahmed